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Single Digits No More

My baby girl is 10 today. I swallow hard at the fact her single digits are gone forever. What a blessing it's been to be her dad these past 10 years!

I missed out on much of her first year of life due to my working at WUSA9 in DC. Moving Kim and Georgia to Maryland happened just before her first birthday. Since then, I couldn't have imagined the sweet, caring, nurturing, creative, talented, bold, hilarious, witty, stubborn, debating, persistent, and beautiful young girl she would become.
Being present for her accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior will always be a most amazing and wonderful highlight of my being her father. She has continued to grow in her faith over the years.

Seeing Georgia learn to swim and receive medals and trophies for being on a swim team continues to be such a delight. Kim and I never imagined we'd be swim parents but consider it a privilege. She so loves the water and it's obvious.

Introducing her to all six Star Wars in a month and us talking about everything from lightsaber colors to Jedi and Sith to The Force has made me a proud papa. Eventually, I'll get her hooked on Star Trek. Baby parsecs. Baby parsecs.

And a highlight of this vacation week was walking along the Delaware beach to find all sorts of shells and her saying, "Daddy, I love spending time with you at the beach."

I smiled and pulled her close. "Awww, I love spending time with you anywhere, darlin'."

Happy Birthday, baby girl! You are loved!


  1. Happy birthday to Georgia, from Eric & Melody!

  2. Thanks, Bro! She's been having a great week along with us! :)

  3. You're not supposed to make me cry, Ricky G!!! Give Ms. G a hug and kiss from Ms. Angie. Miss you all much!!! :)

    1. Aww, sorry 'bout that! :) Gave her lots of hugs this week and she was appreciative of the one from you, too! Looking forward to catching up with Titanium Girl!


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