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I'll Be Home For Christmas...Errr, Almost

Well, I trust all of you survived "round one" of the holidays and made it through Thanksgiving?

We had a lovely feast for lunch with the family and then had another one that night! Dave & Lynn, our neighbors, had invited us over. They have a 1-year-old daughter, Guliana. She and Georgia have had play dates before and we were touched that they wanted to include us. It was a neat visit as Dave & Lynn are Filipino and they had six other friends over.

Otherwise, I have been so swamped with projects that the end of year is racing to a close at warp speed.

Kim, Georgia, and I have gotten into a bit of a "rhythm of life."Every family kinda has to do this to function. For example, I still have to leave early enough to avoid traffic or spend 2 hours in the commute. Now, it's 6:30am or earlier. I haven't made that in awhile...but the commute has been closer to an hour and 20. However, this means I need to head home around 4...because not only it's been a full day...but the commute will be slow if it's too close to 5pm.

We are truly urban dwellers now. We bought a live Christmas tree from Lowes. Our trees in Jackson only came from tents or farms...never a store. Horrors. :) But hey, ya can't beat $30 for a nice tree. LOL

So, I'm going to be in town next Thursday afternoon (12/7) through Monday morning (12/11). I hope to see my Mississippi peeps. So, let me know your availability so I can plan a visit.

More to come...


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