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Light At Tunnel's End

In Northwest DC, the shopping cart still rests underneath a tree on the yuppy street called Wisconsin Avenue. Clearly, it belonged to a homeless someone three weeks ago. Yet, for whatever reason it was parked beneath the's never been retrieved. Overflowing with clothes, umbrellas, and various other could assume this collection of someone's life is no longer important to them...either by the ending of their life...or the beginning of a new one.

Just something I was thinking on a Metro stroll last week when my car was in the shop.

Yup, I can finally see...there's light...and it's not an oncoming train! I've found it humorous how many people have thought we were moved into our home. After all, anyone on this list knows that we sold our Jackson home...and bought one in Maryland. However, the previous owner needed two months free rent back to whomever bought the house. Sadly, that's the kinda stuff one has to do up here to get a home.

So, many peeps thought we were already in our Columbia, Maryland, townhome. That day comes this Sunday, Oct. 30, which is our first official day of having Craig (previous owner) out of the house!

Finally, we can start making a routine and some sort of normal family living. Any of you who have lived with your parents, in-laws, or other family members after being married (or even independent for a while) can feel the appreciation and fatigue that I've had since June 4, 2004.
Throw in there a 14-month old daughter who has been sleeping in the same room as Kim and I...and you have some rather sleepless nights.

Two weekends ago, we all went to Ocean City, MD, to stay at a beach condo for the Columbus Day Weekend. Very nice...relaxing. It rained all weekend (except Friday) but a Cruisers (old cars) were in town for that weekend...and they always bring rain. Some awesome cars to be seen all weekend.

Kim and I also spent some time together yesterday...errands, coffee, movie (Flight-plan - pretty good)...good day to hang.

Hope this note finds all of you well.


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