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Showing posts from July, 2005

Melting Like A Witch

Remember the Wicked Witch of West from Wizard of Oz? It's hot enough here in DC to feel like the ole gal - 110 degrees for a feels like is a bit too cozy. (Hmmmm, if she hadn't said, "I'll get you my pretty and your little dog, too"...and hadn't laughed the way she did, I don't recall much else about that ole gal...typecasting, poor witch) Speaking of know it's bad when a pair of Birkenstock sandals are placed outside to dry for a morning from being cleaned of cat whiz (hopefully all three are over their bitterness and getting along) and the soles curl out from the shoe. Oh, well. Still haven't found a house. Another bid fell through since I last wrote. This time, probably due to our having a home inspection in the contract for informational purposes only (barring major repairs). If one had nothing to hide...shouldn't be an issue, ya know? This market is simply nuts. Kim might be seeing some houses today but otherwise, we'l...

Without a Clue and Homeless

Now, doesn't that sound like a NY Times Best Seller?! Greetings, friends and countrymen! Finally, I have a moment to scribe a summary of the events since my last post. After a 12 hour drive, an Accord-full of stuff, Kim, Georgia, Maddy the Beagle, and I arrived in Lexington, Kentucky, the evening of June 30. Amazingly, Georgia and Maddy did very well with only about four stops along the way. We visited with Kim's aunts, uncles and cousins until Sunday morning when we began the 8 hour drive through the West Virginia mountains. Being one who isn't used to a car with cruise, it's not a feature to use in that state. We arrived in Maryland the evening of July 3. Flashing forward to today...the contents of our home have been in two air-conditioned storage units since Friday the 8th...Maddy the Beagle has been staying with friends of Kim's parents since the 4th...being a townhouse with three cats (two belonging to you) is interesting when one doesn't get along...